Llistar Títols per Autor "Oliver Pratsevall, M. Àngels"

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doc icon DUGiDocs 2009 Effect of magnesium sulphate and L-tryptophan and genotype on the feed intake, behaviour and meat quality of pigs Panella-Riera, Núria ; Velarde, Antonio ; Dalmau Bueno, Antoni ; Fàbrega Romans, Emma ; Font i Furnols, Maria ; Gispert i Negrell, Maria Assumpta ; Soler Soler, Joaquim ; Tibau Font, Joan ; Oliver Pratsevall, M. Àngels ; Gil Farré, Marta
out url icon Recercat Effect of magnesium sulphate and L-tryptophan and genotype on the feed intake, behaviour and meat quality of pigs Panella-Riera, Núria ; Velarde, Antonio ; Dalmau Bueno, Antoni ; Fàbrega Romans, Emma ; Font i Furnols, Maria ; Gispert i Negrell, Maria Assumpta ; Soler Soler, Joaquim ; Tibau Font, Joan ; Oliver Pratsevall, M. Àngels ; Gil Farré, Marta
doc icon DUGiDocs 2008 Effect of supplementation with MgCO3 and L-tryptophan on the welfare and on the carcass and meat quality of two halothane pig genotypes (NN and nn) Panella-Riera, Núria ; Dalmau Bueno, Antoni ; Fàbrega Romans, Emma ; Font i Furnols, Maria ; Gispert i Negrell, Maria Assumpta ; Tibau Font, Joan ; Soler Soler, Joaquim ; Velarde, Antonio ; Oliver Pratsevall, M. Àngels ; Gil Farré, Marta
out url icon Recercat Effect of supplementation with MgCO3 and L-tryptophan on the welfare and on the carcass and meat quality of two halothane pig genotypes (NN and nn) Panella-Riera, Núria ; Dalmau Bueno, Antoni ; Fàbrega Romans, Emma ; Font i Furnols, Maria ; Gispert i Negrell, Maria Assumpta ; Tibau Font, Joan ; Soler Soler, Joaquim ; Velarde, Antonio ; Oliver Pratsevall, M. Àngels ; Gil Farré, Marta
out url icon Recercat Estratègies prèvies al sacrifici que poden afectar el benestar animal i la qualitat de la carn de porcs de diferent genotip RYRI Panella-Riera, Núria



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